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Vedic Astrology and Some Interesting Analysis on Planets

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Sri Lakshmi Nrusimha Parabrahmane Namaha!

If we analyze the basic principles of Astrology and try to understand the subject, we will be enlightened with the knowledge of our ancestors passed from generation to generation. These are learnings from the great sages and astrologers. This is of great value especially today, as we are at a time when we feel everything is out of our control. The study of astrology and the revelations are of immense value and have the potential to guide us when we lose direction.

Astrological Principles

If this ancient study has withstood the test of time, then we should understand that there is truth in it. If it had no truth, then this would not have survived thousands of years. Thus, the fundamental principles of Astrology are not at all arbitrary. Thus, it may be correct to say that astrological principles are based on astronomical truths.

The Power of the Sun

In astrology, we are concerned with the influence of planets on earth. But it is predominant to note that that the planet Sun is the dynamic force of all planets. After the Sun, the rulership of houses are allotted to other planets in the order of their closeness to the earth.

Here, an interesting question arises. Why does Sun place himself in Simham (Leo), 5th from Mesham (Aries)? Perhaps it is because that the earth is the 5th distant planet from Sun?

1) Shaneeshwara (Saturn) 2) Rahu or Ketu 3) Guru (Jupiter) 4) Kuja (Mars) and 5) Earth

The role of Trines in planetary relations

We all know that the first house has tremendous significance as being the ascendent. But two other houses along with the first creates a Trine. Trines have a tremendous bearing and the First, Fifth and Nineth houses together are called the Trinal Houses.

This means an aspect of 1/3rd of a circle or 120 degrees and is considered extremely good and favourable.

For instance, take Mesham (Aries) and its trinal houses Simham (Leo) and Dhanus (Libra). The lords of these houses are Kuja (Mars), Surya (Sun), and Guru (Jupiter). Astrology says they are permanent friends because they own mutual Trinal houses or Trikonas. The same applies to Vrishabam (Taurus) and its trinal houses of Kanya (Virgo) and Kumbham (Aquarius). The lords Sukra (Venus), Budhan (Mercury), and Saneeshwara (Saturn) are permanent friends.

While aspect or the 7th house is common for all, astrological dictum professes that Guru has a special aspect over 5th and 9th houses. Just like Guru (Jupiter) you also have Kuja (Mars) and Shaneeswara (Saturn) with special aspects. Mars has special aspects over the 4th and 8th house while Saturn over the 3rd and the 10th house.

Position of Planets and Inimicality

The 3rd, 6th, and 11th houses are considered differently. For Mesham (Aries) ruled by Kuja (Mars), Mithunam (Gemini) and Kanya (Virgo), both ruled by Budha (Mercury) are not considered favorable. So, it can be stated that their lords Kuja (Mars) and Budha (Mercury) are enemies.

Sukra (Venus) lord of 6th (Taurus) and 11th (Libra) from Dhanus (Sagittarius) becomes an enemy to Guru. Chandran (Moon) is an enemy to Budha (Mercury) because he is lord of 11th from Kanya (Virgo) and so on and so forth. So, it can be observed that major principles of astrology are intricately weaved taking into consideration the specific status of the permanent relationship among planets.

Exaltation of Planets

Further to this, it also appears that there is a close relationship between the exaltation sign of a planet and its own house, except of course its Moola Trikona house. Exaltation and Moola Trikona positions are places where the planets have the highest brightness. The planets also shine brilliantly when they occupy favorable positions with other planets.

Roles of Planets

Kuja (Mars) owns Vrischika (Scorpio) and he is exalted in Makaram (Capricorn), which is the 3rd from Vrischika (Scorpio). So Kuja (Mars) is said to rule over brothers. i.e, 3rd house signification.

Guru (Jupiter) is exalted in Katakam (Cancer) which is exactly 5th from Meenam (Pisces). Pisces is his own house but not his Moola Trikona. So, Guru (Jupiter) is said to rule over 5th house significations.  

Saneeshwara (Saturn) who is exalted in Tulam (Libra) is 10th from his own house and rules over Jeevanopaayam (Related to work). His exalted position falls in the 7th house from Zodiac (Aries) and so he is the aayushkaaraka (Life Span).

Surya (Sun) who is exalted in the 9th from his own house indicates 9th house matters. Since in his exalted position, he is in the 1st house of the Zodiac (Aries), he is considered Aatmakaaraka.

All the above-mentioned planets are considered superior planets. The other planets Sukra (Venus), Budhan (Mercury), and Chandra (moon) are nearer to Surya (Sun) than Earth.

The Kaarakatwa (the role and responsibility) of these planets are based on the signs they rule from Mesham (Aries). As Chandra (Moon) owns the 4th from Mesham (Aries) i.e., Katakam (Cancer) he indicates influence over the 4th house. Sukra (Venus) owning the 2nd and 7th houses from Mesham, signifies happiness, wealth, and spouse.

Budha (Mercury) is a neutral planet and plays a double role. As lord of 3rd and 6th house, he rules over Journeys, Cousins and Fear. As he is exalted in Virgo which is 4th from his own house of Mithunam (Gemini). He rules over education.


There are also other important matters that we need to consider. Sukran (Venus) is exalted at the 6th house (Pisces) from his own house and Chandra (Moon) is exalted at the 11th house (Taurus) from his own house. There appears to be something different here that calls for a deeper analysis into these basic fundamental principles, as both the planets are exalted in their inimical houses.

All said and done, we need the help of Lord Brahma.


Let’s conclude by saying that there is plenty of scope for deeper researches to get more clarity. The study of astrology does not look into one aspect but various different aspects and carefully evaluating the implication of each of them over the other.

It takes years of research and thousands of readings to develop trends and learning the ropes of prediction. Lastly, it is not possible to master the art of astrology if one does not have the blessings of the Lord. To develop the power of interpretation and intuition is where you will need his help.


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Sincere, practical astrological guidance from Sri KSR Aarudra Iyengar. Practicing astrologer with over 40 years of experience. A Vedic scholar with countless hours spent on ancient texts and literature on Astrology and Vedic Sciences. A Nrusimha Upasaka and draws his strength of intuition and interpretation from the Lord. Very closely attached with Sri Lakshmi Narsimha Swami Temple at Mattapalli, India.