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2nd Lord from Lagna in 12 houses of the horoscope

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This is second in the series. In this article we will discuss what is expected when the 2nd Lord from the Lagna (Ascendant) occupies each of the 12 houses in a horoscope. Let’s discuss the effects of the 2nd Lord in different houses of the horoscope.

Lets dive in.

Born in 2nd house from Lagna

The 2nd house signifies Vak Sthanam (Speech), Dhana Sthanam (Wealth), Kutumba Sthanam (Family), Education, Comforts and Luxuries.

If the lord of and Lagnathipathi (Acendant Lord) is in the 2nd house, similar results are expected. Will be very scholarly and would hold very senior positions in Corporates or in Govt service befitting his qualification. The native would be quite wealthy in all respects and would be good looking and graceful. Would have long life and with good vision. Would have good eye sight.

2nd house Lord in 2nd house

The native would have Vaak Balam (command over speech). If he /she gives a commitment, it would be honoured in toto without going back on his/her words. The native would be very particular in keeping up the promises and would be a disciplined person in financial matters. Thus, the native would command respect from the society.

2nd Lord in 3rd house

If the 2nd lord in the 3rd house of the horoscope has malefic influences, support from siblings would be wanting. May not be reasonably qualified and may have inability to pursue studies adequately. The native may find difficult to make both ends meet.

2nd Lord in 4th house

If the native has beneficial planetary tendencies, he /she would have more than ample support from mother, maternal uncles and aunts. He would be blessed with huge properties, liquid cash and huge real estates. Would be highly educated and would be highly successful in retail trade of food products, fertilisers etc.

2nd Lord in 5th house

If the 2nd lord is a Subha Planet (Benefic Planet) in the 5th house, the native would get good, disciplined Children. In case the 2nd lord goes to the 5th house as an afflicted one, the native may be put to shame because of undisciplined children. If the 5th lord from the 5th house is afflicted, the native would suffer from Putra Dosham(misfortunes related to children). The native may be razor sharp in intellect and would have lot of well-wishers and friends to help but may be hesitant to spend on charitable endeavours.

2nd Lord in 6th house

Invariably, the native’s health condition may not be robust. May have lot of enemies but finally, the native would have a last laugh. Sometimes own children may be inimical. Pressure from creditors would lead to litigation. The native may be a court bird with more chances of losing than winning in legal battles. If Venus is strong, it can help for a compromise without loss of face. If 6th lord is benefic, favourable results may follow.

2nd Lord in 7th house

If the 2nd lord happens to be in the 7th house and malefic, there may be difficulties with spouse and likelihood of misery because of that. The native would not be able to enjoy marital life. Even if the native is affluent, the money is likely to be spent on illicit affairs, sometimes leading to diseases of the reproductive systems.

2nd Lord in 8th house

If afflicted the native may not have the ability to speak coherently, lacking grace, pleasantness, diplomacy, and may wander in life’s path. Would be arrogant, incorrigibly negative, losing respect from associates, would incur losses and would go unwept, unhonoured and unsung.

2nd Lord in 9th house

The native would be healthy, and likely to get ancestral properties. Sometimes loss of wealth and status may happen because of Pitru dosham (Ancestral Curse). On the contrary some people may also get the blessings of elders with wealth and multiply them.

2nd Lord in the 10th house

With benefic affiliations, the position would be conducive for enhancing the calibre in educational pursuits, developing debating skills, being very popular with knowledge on various subjects. The native will have the capacity to get ACHARYA status (Guru Status). Could become the planning authority of Government with status. The native could get a covenanted position in reputed companies with high degree of leadership. The native would lead different heads of departments with abundant leadership qualities.

2nd Lord in the 11th house

With benefic background, the native is likely to be street smart, broad minded, and may succeed in money lending business or banking business and flourish very significantly. Get massive support from brothers and sisters. The native would realise the native’s legitimate ambition, will have receipt of enormous money, will get name and fame.

2nd Lord in the 12th house

2nd lord in the 12th house in the house of losses sometimes may make the bankrupt. If afflicted by bad influences the native will engage in unproductive, negative and worthless gossips. This may lead to misunderstandings and misgivings, earning a bad name and likely to become a scum for society. Since 12th house represents Ayana, Sayana, Sukha, Abhoga Sthanams (marital and sexual compatibility) he may find difficult to succeed in those. Sometimes, the native may be disabled even. The native may indulge in certain unpleasant and undesirable activities. The native would lose his/her self-respect annoyable to relatives and friends. 

Summing up

Hope this article gives some broad idea on what is expected in cases of the 2nd Lord occupying each of the 12 houses of the horoscope. It is important to remember that while analysing a horoscope, multiple factors need to be taken into consideration before coming to a conclusion. There are cases where the negatives are balanced by other positives in a horoscope. So, I would urge you to take this article as a broad guideline and view 2nd lord in 12 houses as one of the aspects among the numerous others which you need to evaluate a chart.

These are indicative results and can vary depending on other factors in a horoscope. I encourage you to read about the 1st Lord, 3rd Lord, 4th Lord, 5th Lord, 6th Lord, 7th Lord, 8th Lord, 9th Lord, 10th Lord, 11th Lord, and 12th Lord as well.

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Sincere, practical astrological guidance from Sri KSR Aarudra Iyengar. Practicing astrologer with over 40 years of experience. A Vedic scholar with countless hours spent on ancient texts and literature on Astrology and Vedic Sciences. A Nrusimha Upasaka and draws his strength of intuition and interpretation from the Lord. Very closely attached with Sri Lakshmi Narsimha Swami Temple at Mattapalli, India.

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