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Lagna Lord in the Twelve Houses of the horoscope

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Lagnam or Ascendant is JEEVAN or Life. Let’s discuss the effects of the Lagna Lord in different houses of the horoscope.

We have to recognize it as 1st house. 

Lagnathpathi in the 1st house

Lord of the 1st hose is called Lagnathipathi. If the lagna lord in his own house in the horoscope the native will have powerful status, healthy, long life, prosperous with name and fame. If benefics for that Lagna aspect the Lagna, the native will be very fortunate.

If debilitated and inimical planets are posited and if they occupy Kendra and aspect the Lagna, then it is not a favorable indication. If the benefics from kendras aspect the lagna and if any exalted planet is posited there besides friendly planets then it is a favourable situation. That native will be happy life long and shine very well in life.

Lagnathpathi in the 2nd house

If lagnathipathi or the lagna lord is in the 2nd house of the horoscope in a benefic and auspicious position, the native’s vak-balam will be good besides in educational pursuits. The native will have a clean body and a clean mind. He will be by and large a peace-loving and non-complicated personality. Will command respect from the society. His family life is likely to be good. He will be by and large affluent. Some natives will be floating in wealth. Will be spiritually inclined.  

Lagnathipathi in the 3rd house

If the native is in a subha varga, he will live happily with brothers and sisters. Will be artistic by nature and will have loyal servants. He will be brave and authoritative, bordering on dictatorial tendencies. Will be valorous. Can become a successful commander of an army.

Lagnathipathi in the 4th house

If the native is in subha varga he will be blessed with a good family, possess huge lands and real estate, support from good relatives, above wants, respectful to mother, highly educated, would lead a luxurious life. If the dispositor of the 4th house and the planet that gets exalted there are associated he will lead the life of a prince. He is likely to get property and extraordinary support from his maternal uncles or aunts.

Lagnathipathi in the 5th house

If the native is in auspicious constellations, he will be blessed with good children and happiness through them. He would have inherent divine support, spiritually oriented, have Satsangh with seers, highly spiritually elevated souls. He would practice yogas, supporter of dharma, chivalrous and a broad mind with a large heart.

Lagnathpathi in the 6th house

If the native is associated with 6th lord or aspected by 6th lord, he would suffer from chronic ailments, stiff opposition from enemies and suffer from liabilities with tremendous pressure from money lenders. The native may have to face litigations and in some cases punishment by the authorities if transits are unfavourable.

Lagnathipathi in the 7th house

If lagnathipathi or the lagna lord is in the 7th house of the horoscope, the native is likely to be after sensual pleasures, lustful, greedy, and can attract people with his so-called amiable nature. The native is not likely to shoulder family responsibilities and is likely to travel aimlessly.

The native may not be in any job permanently and some of them may be rebels. He will be highly egotistic and may think that what he thinks alone is right, adamant, and sometimes unreasonable. He is likely to get financial support from his spouse’s family and also his spouse. He may have temptations to fling outside the purview of the arranged family obligations.

Lagnathipathi in the 8th house

The native is likely to have a long life if he is destined to have Subha phalan. He is likely to run his family with a lot of difficulties, used by friends and relatives. It may so happen that he may have to adopt children. Sometimes there may be some deformities in his body. If shubha phalam is lacking, the longevity may get shortened. Penury, rigorous imprisonment, and inability to command reasonable respect from society is indicated.

Lagnathipathi in the 9th house

The native is likely to have the blessings of forefathers or Pithrus in ample measure. Will get along well with his father and have his full blessings. Would be respectful to elders. He will do lot of charitable things and would be a dharmic straight forward person. Would be highly spiritually oriented person and perform lot of pooja rituals. He would be self-sufficient more than amply and would share his wealth with society.

Lagnathipathi in the 10th house

If he is endowed with Shubha balam, he would do extremely well in his business or career. He will be able to realise his legitimate aspirations, Will be able to make money leave alone earning money, eaning name and fame and will have success in his endeavours. He may not be indolent and would be a hard worker manually and intellectually. He will be a respectable and great leader of an organization, Subordinates will spontaneously take his orders and implement stringently that will add grace to him. Rebels will not be able to wag their tails. He will have a lot of wealth, vehicles, and huge bungalows to live in and also let them on lease. He will have vast lands for agriculture and real estate development. On the contrary, if he suffers from ashubha balam, the opposite of what is written above is likely to happen.

Lagnathipathi in the 11th house

If the native is endowed with shubha balam, he would have enormous wealth. The businesses he does would be extremely profitable and would be reckoned as a successful entrepreneur. He or she will have extraordinary support from their elder brothers and sisters. They would keep him in high esteem. Support from in-laws would be exemplary. If there is an affliction, bereft of aspects of benefics, the lives would be of fluctuating fortunes making them dependent on siblings or relatives. The help may come grudgingly.

Lagnathipathi in the 12th house

If there is benefic association, the results may be ordinary. Expenses would exceed income. In the event of malefic association, the native may not be in a position to relish his life. Ill-conceived unproductive travels with irregularity in taking food, aimless endeavors, and travels leading to loss of health, money, and credibility. The native may be abused as an inefficient/ineffective and unproductive person. The native may be abused as lethargic and incompetent.

A word from the Author

Please note that the above observations are empirical in nature and subject to changes in permutations and combinations of planets at the time of birth or during transits. This is by and large a general treatise. These are general observations and are subject to change on the strengths/weaknesses in the natal charts and transits.

These are indicative results and can vary depending on other factors in a horoscope. I encourage you to read about the 2nd Lord, 3rd Lord, 4th Lord, 5th Lord, 6th Lord, 7th Lord, 8th Lord, 9th Lord, 10th Lord, 11th Lord, and 12th Lord as well.

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Sincere, practical astrological guidance from Sri KSR Aarudra Iyengar. Practicing astrologer with over 40 years of experience. A Vedic scholar with countless hours spent on ancient texts and literature on Astrology and Vedic Sciences. A Nrusimha Upasaka and draws his strength of intuition and interpretation from the Lord. Very closely attached with Sri Lakshmi Narsimha Swami Temple at Mattapalli, India.

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