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Lord Saturn and his Role in Profession

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The mention of Lord Saturn generally invokes a feeling of fear in the hearts of people. But in reality, he is a benevolent planet and bestows certain natives with brilliant strength of character and life like a king. Lord Saturn is misunderstood primarily due to limited understanding on our part of the actions of this planet. In this article, we will discuss one part of such an aspect, which is profession, and how Lord Saturn influences it.

The 10th house of the horoscope

In this article, we intend to discuss ‘Determination of profession ‘ astrologically. There are various planets that can influence the professions but here we will focus on the role of Lord Saturn and what kind of profession he can provide when associated with the 10th house. The 10th house is also called the Jeevaana Sthanam or one that indicates livelihood.

Favourable Houses for Lord Saturn

Lord Saturn in Sanskrit is called “Sanaishchara” which means slow-moving. He is also known as “Dukham Dinesaatmajaa” which means precursor of sorrows and difficulties. But there is an exception for Tulam (Libra) and Vrishaba (Taurus) Lagnas or Rashis as he is reckoned to be the Yogakaraka for those who are born in these two Rashis or Lagnas. He is incapable of hurting when posited in these two signs. On the contrary, he does bestow his blessings when he is associated with Tulam (Libra) and Vrishabham (Taurus).   

The Role of Lord Saturn

Among the planets, Saturn acts as a steadying force. He is the balance wheel that slows down spontaneous anger associated with the fiery Mars. In this respect, we can say he is a disciplining planet and has a favorable influence.

Individuals with well-placed Saturn in their horoscopes favorably lead the natives towards high positions in life as statesmen and benefactors of the human race, in spite of the gloomy and melancholic attributes of the planet. Therefore, let’s not infer upon that a person who has Saturn connected with the house of profession will be a failure.

As per the author of Brihat Jaataka, all professions involving struggle, worries dealing with labor, factories, machinery, and similar occupations are governed by Lord Saturn.

General Characteristics of a Saturnian

Examination of a large number of horoscopes has revealed that one who has Saturn strongly disposed looks upon life as a none too pleasant experience. Such individuals love solitude where they can engross themselves in their pet pursuits or subjects that are deep to attract their attention, consistent with the appellation of “Dukham Dinesaatmajaha”.

A Saturnian person is often believed to be a victim of sadness and superstition. He is expected to be an inherent mystic and one who is interested in occult sciences but at the same time not able to come out of his superstitious tendencies.

Saturnians generally lack social qualities. It is normally seen that the preference of location of a Saturnian is to be away from the hectic bustle of the city, a quiet place. A Saturnian can be a farmer, gardener, horticulturalists, botanist, or he can teach these subjects in a college or University. Unless Mercury is powerful, he is unlikely to succeed in business because he lacks the faculty of making friends and holding them in his confidence.

A Saturnian with a mathematical mind can shine as a writer of books on Mathematics. Engineering, Mining and Metallurgy are also suitable for such individuals. A Saturnian can also become an expert in electricity and electronics, chemistry and automobiles.

If Saturn is ordinarily disposed, may result in a profession of a junior clerk or sub staff. If Saturn is afflicted considerably, the position can scale downward to an ordinary labourer, mill worker or a miner. He is malevolent under a low, mean villain.

If the Sun is connected secondarily with Saturn, there can be a favorable influence on the native, of course depending on the other constellations in the chart. If there is no exact conjunction between these two planets, a person with such a combination can become a sculptor. Junior diplomats and ordinary politicians also belong to this category. They can also become head of insurance companies and banking institutions with a predominant Budha (Mercury). Such natives can have under their control a number of employees.

If the Moon is secondarily connected with Saturn, the individual should avoid all avocations that come to mind. There can be thorough confusion. These natives can have imaginations to the extent of becoming an artistic and compulsive liar. These individuals on the other hand may also be well versed in preaching about sanitation, agriculture, fertilizers, etc.

If Saturn and Moon are free of affliction, the native can shine as an innovative author of considerable fame. If Mars is secondarily associated, then sometimes the results tend to be unfavorable. The native will be highly courageous with a high degree of resilience, if Mars and Saturn happen to be in their same houses, the native can become a good diplomat with a high reputation. If both are afflicted, the native will not need additional aggression to put his inherent bad quality to a greater extent.

If Mercury is the secondary influence on the profession, the intellectual development will be of a very high order. Such natives can succeed in business by virtue of his shrewdness. They normally will have a 6th sense and will do well in speculative trades. These individuals can become financial wizards and economists of great repute. But to succeed in these avocations Saturn should be free of afflictions.

Where Mercury is with Rahu, mean and undesirable people and criminals are produced.

Whereas with Guru (Jupiter) as a secondary influence, the planet signifies all that is divine, indicates strong leadership capabilities. They may become a philosopher and teach philosophy as well.

Finally, Venus indicates sociable and agreeable nature. They are good mediators. If afflicted opposite of what has been said is likely to happen. Caution is required while dealing with the opposite sex lest there can be character assassination and fall from grace. Besides developing media companies, Agricultural fields can give success if monitored properly.  Female intervention and domination in business pursuits /partnerships need to be assiduously avoided.

A word of Caution

Charts can show various strengths of character. Such indications are dependent on the benefic and malefic attributes suggested by the planet by virtue of association, location, ownership, and aspects. Characters with lesser strength generally manifest disagreeable, mean, tricky, vicious, unscrupulous, venomous characteristics and also stealing tendencies. It is therefore important that a very careful examination of the horoscope is imperative to understand the underlying character. Hence, no judgment should be pronounced in a haphazard manner.

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Sincere, practical astrological guidance from Sri KSR Aarudra Iyengar. Practicing astrologer with over 40 years of experience. A Vedic scholar with countless hours spent on ancient texts and literature on Astrology and Vedic Sciences. A Nrusimha Upasaka and draws his strength of intuition and interpretation from the Lord. Very closely attached with Sri Lakshmi Narsimha Swami Temple at Mattapalli, India.