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How to Secure Divine Help

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A  prayer is answered certainly when it is done earnestly and faithfully.

Some people lose faith in prayers very soon. This happens at a time when one is going through trouble and feel we are all left to ourselves. We feel all the prayers we offer are not answered and leads to disappointment and depression.

Perhaps it may help if we do a quick introspection. Rather than giving up hope, a self-introspection on our sincerity, faith, and honesty of our prayers might bring more light.

Keep the belief in your prayers and trust the all Benevolent.

Why Pray

Prayer is an intimate meeting between God and You. Nothing else must come between – fear, hesitation, doubt, or bargaining.

A good analogy perhaps is a father-child relation. When a child runs to his father for comfort, he goes to him with full faith, purity, love, and confidence that he will receive the comfort he is seeking. Love, protection, requests, and requirements.

He does not ask but entrusts himself totally to his father’s care. When the little son comes to his father for help, which good father will refuse and reject him? Certainly not the divine father.

Self Introspection

Sometimes it appears to me that no response came to my call. As I introspect later, I find the reason could have been my mind being half turned to HIM and not fully devoted. I was perhaps only peeping into HIS chamber, keeping my feet outside speculating on what and how much I would be getting instead of rushing into his arms like a child with full belief and confidence in getting everything from HIM.

The confidence, reliance, and that firm clasp of HIS hands are all that is needed for getting more than the fullest that one can think of. It is such a simple thing to do.

Pray as you go

You do not need a lot of time in a day. If we analyze, we spend a significant time playing with our phones or browsing aimlessly. A question to ask is that can we take a small part from these musings and dedicate ourselves to praying? You can also pray while you are commuting, sitting in a park, waiting at the bus stop, anywhere. It is not mandatory for you to be at home in front of the altar but mandatory to have the desire to pray.

Summing up

Surrender totally to HIM  unconditionally.

For some people, the results can be delayed but not denied.

HE  will take care of YOU


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Sincere, practical astrological guidance from Sri KSR Aarudra Iyengar. Practicing astrologer with over 40 years of experience. A Vedic scholar with countless hours spent on ancient texts and literature on Astrology and Vedic Sciences. A Nrusimha Upasaka and draws his strength of intuition and interpretation from the Lord. Very closely attached with Sri Lakshmi Narsimha Swami Temple at Mattapalli, India.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Rangachari Krishnan

    Nice summary on prayer. Enjoyed reading it.

  2. Ramanujam T S T

    My father used to tell me a story on Prayer and how it has to be done sincerely. A very religious and wealthy couple owing beetle leaf gardens and agricultural lands go their son married to a girl. After marriage, the couple felt that the girl, now their daughter in law, lacks in religious pursuits and Aacharams. So they decided to give panchakavyam to her daily to purify her. This went on for close to a year. One day, a visitor rang the door bell and the daughter in law opened the door since
    the father in law was in the pooja room. The visitor asked whether the father in law
    at home. She replied he is pooja room doing pooja but mentally counting the numbe
    of beetle leaves in his garden. The couple realised and stop giving her the panchakavyam

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