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9th Lord in different houses of horoscope

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9th house signifies Bhagyasthanam. We can figure out about the father, Guru, upadesam, charities, abundance of milk, lands, housing, yogabhyaasam etc. Lets analyse 9th lord in different houses of horoscope.

9th lord in lagna

The native would have bhakti vishwas towards elders, maata, pita, guru and deivam. He would get ancestral properties, inclined to do dhaanam and dharmam. The native would do research in saastraas, would preach about divine things. He would have house, lands, agricultural fields, battery of chefs, servants, with respectable position in the society, lot of happiness and fewer good children.

9th lord in the 2nd house

The native would have abundant wealth, influence, huge ancestral properties both movable and immovable and his/her family would have high status in the society.

9th house lord in the 3rd house

The native would have a tinge of pitru dosham, would be the loser of ancestral properties, would thrive on the support of younger brothers and sisters.

9th house lord in the 4th house

The native would have full support of parents, maternal uncles and aunts. Would be blessed with landed properties, vehicles, servants and huge support from relatives and spouse’s side.

9th house lord in the 5th house

The native would be hugely benefited through children. Would be blessed with ancestral properties. Would be well placed in Govt service. Would be blessed with luxurious houses, vehicles, and with lot of servants. With tremendous divine support, the family would shine in all its glory.

9th house lord in 6th house

The native may lose ancestral properties because of debt. Father of the native would pass away at an early age. The native may have putra dosham and or putra shokam. Would have incurable diseases and lot of negative doshas.

 9th lord in the 7th house

The native would have a spouse with paripoorna Laksmi kataaksham, home loving and discerning person with no non sense approach. She would add dignity to the household. Would be respectful to elders. She would have putra santhanam with lot of comforts and luxuries unless spoilt by the aspect of durgrahas or malefic association

9th lord in the 8th house

The native’s father’s and grandfather’s properties are likely to go into wrong hands leading to misery by land grabbing. There may be putra dosham. Health of his father may not be satisfactory with some chronic ailments. Chances of anga heenam not ruled out.

9th lord in the 9th house

9th lord in the 9th house of horoscope, if it happens to be his own house, father would have long life, very magnanimous and charitable acts, with lot of poojas, homams and bhajans happening at home. Good reputation would accrue by virtue of sons’ god behaviour and discipline. Father’s property would come to him in full. The family would have a special positive, respectable status. He would have the support of friends and relatives.

9th lord in the 10th house

The native’s family would be in very high status, would hold senior positions in the Government. There may be gradual improvement in their income and status and expected to sky rocket overall. There would-be all-round prosperity in all endeavours. They would engage in spiritual pursuits.

9th lord in the 11th house 

Even if the father is influential, over a period of time the father’s status would deteriorate. His property would shrink, the native with his family would do well despite his father’s ill luck with all comforts and luxuries. Lot of spiritual activities would happen in the family.

9th lord in 12th house

The native’s father’s properties (movable and immovable) would not stay. They may be lost in litigation or disputes unnecessarily. The native’s father would fritter away his wealth with undesirable persons of opposite sex who would exploit and manipulate him.     

A word from the Author

Hope this article on 9th lord in different houses of horoscope have helped you to gain more understanding on this subject. It is important to understand that the above predictions, whether positive or negative is entirely dependent on the respective benefic or malefic associations or aspects. Thus every chart is unique and needs to be evaluated from multiple perspectives.

Summing up

These are indicative results and can vary depending on other factors in a horoscope. I encourage you to read about the 1st Lord, 2nd Lord, 3rd Lord, 4th Lord, 5th Lord, 6th Lord, 7th Lord, 8th Lord, 10th Lord, 11th Lord, and 12th Lord as well.

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Sincere, practical astrological guidance from Sri KSR Aarudra Iyengar. Practicing astrologer with over 40 years of experience. A Vedic scholar with countless hours spent on ancient texts and literature on Astrology and Vedic Sciences. A Nrusimha Upasaka and draws his strength of intuition and interpretation from the Lord. Very closely attached with Sri Lakshmi Narsimha Swami Temple at Mattapalli, India.

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