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8th Lord in different houses of a horoscope

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An astrologer would determine the age of a native from the 8th house and the planet posited in the 8th house and the association of Saneeshwara. Scriptures say that if Saneeshwara is in the 8th house of the horoscope, longevity of a native is predictable in contrary to the dictum ‘kaarako bhava naashaaya’.

It’s a general perception that 8th house is not perceived as a prosperous house unless 6th or 12th house lords or one of them is posited there causing ‘vipareeta rajayogam’ that is known to give unexpected and unprecedented positive results.

It is also perceived that planets in the 8th house except Shaneeshwara are not capable of giving good results unless there is some aspect from benefic planets.

Examples of evil planets in 8th house in the natal charts or in transits are given below.

Untimely, unnatural premature death, falling from grace, falling down and getting hurt, ignominy, unforeseen obstacles, poverty, defamation, danger from attack by weapons, metal turbulence, fear of failure, imprisonment, loss of name and fame, divorce etc.

The simple remedial to mitigate or eradicate the above negative results is to propitiate Lord Hanuman.

8th lord in Lagna

8th lord in lagna signifies poverty, ailments or/and liabilities, cash loss etc., If benefic planets aspect or are associated, a fairly reasonable longevity cannot be ruled out. With a little problem and minor mental problems, the native would pull on. If malefics aspect or are associated, the native may be subjected to a situation of acute poverty bordering on penury besides unpleasant happenings in the family.

8th lord in the 2nd house 

The native may not keep up his/her words. Would use indecent vocabulary, the family may not have smooth sailing. Would be spendthrift, disinterested in educational pursuits, would have weak bodies and lead confused lives without tangible direction. If there is a benefic association or aspect from benefics (both natural and/ or functional benfics) the reverse is expected.

8th lord in the 3rd house

There would be sibling rivalry. Would always suffer from inexplicable fear in his mind, would be diffident, would fritter away ancestral property that was assiduously earned. May not command respect from society and may be looked down upon by friends and relatives.

8th lord in the 4th house

The native may not have support from mother and mother’s side. There would be constant conflicts in the family. May have to run the family with hand to mouth situation. Would have loss of ancestral property and self-made /self-earned income. Unforeseen events like accidents may occur. If certain benefic aspects or benefic planetary association exists there may be lesser severity in what has been outlined. 

8th lord in the 5th house

Mental peace from children would be wanting. Perpetual turbulence leading to consequent mental disorders could arise. There may be animosity between friends and relatives. There may not be clarity in thinking and doing things. There would be lot of gap between precept and practice. Stability in thinking would not be present. With benefic influences, marginal improvement in the attitudes is expected, otherwise there would be psychological debacle.

8th lord in the 6th house

This causes ” Vipareeta Rajayogam” to some native facilitating to receive unprecedented and unexpected results. This is a specific observation. Generally, the native would be lean and hungry looking, with evil thoughts like jealousy, ill will, malice but street smart enough to win over opponents. Physically weak, the native would be a cheap complicated personality who spreads lies, rumours and bad-mouthing others. Devoid of putra bhagyam, the native may adopt children to get wealth from those who give in adoption to secure that wealth wrongfully.

8th lord in the 7th house

The native may not keep his wife happy. The spouse’ longevity may be a concern. The native would receive disgrace from associates with wrong and avaricious ladies besides loss of money and consequent ignominy. Benefic associations of planets or aspects may serve to regain the lost name to a certain extent. If he uses it as a spring board to rise again there are possibilities, difficult but not impossible.

8th lord in the 8th house

If the native has this position and 8th lord is in his own house of the horoscope, he would continue his life with confusion and mental worries. He cannot discriminate between good and bad, relevant and irrelevant instances. He cannot be shrewd in book keeping. Losses may be predominant. He would be a very hasty impulsive decision maker that would result in irreparable and irreversible damages. If only his head would have ruled the heart, lot of inevitable things could have been avoided. The native would think that what he thinks alone is the best. But one silver lining is he is likely to live long.

8th lord in the 9th house

The native would lose all the ancestral properties by ill-conceived business plans. Liabilities would accrue through wrong decisions and pampering of children. There may not be harmony between friends and relatives. There would be lot of difference of opinions between them. There would be animosity between each other, sometimes resulting in litigations. The native would have least respect for his father. Benefic attributes in the natal horoscope and in transit may give a helping hand.

8th lord in the 10th house

The native in his employment or career may not be focussed and would keep on changing the employers. if by chance ‘sakata yoga’ is present in the horoscope, the career would be disastrous. Regarding  ‘sakata yoga’ we will explain later. The native would have association with highest persons in the society but would have the tendency to exploit them as a result of which he would lose what little reputation he had. If benefics’ attributes are overwhelming, he is likely to shine well. Can expect reasonable longevity. He would somehow balance income and expenditure.

8th lord in the 11th house

8th lord in the 11th house of the horoscope is likely to cause life threatening disturbances for the native’s elder sister/s, minimal life span. The native would make money through unlawful means and short cuts. He would have multiple sources of income that may not last permanently. He would invariably be surrounded by scheming and evil people. If poorva punyam is there, he would have chances to gallop back.

8th lord in the 12th house

The native would get ‘vipareeta raja yogam’ to give unexpected unprecedent results. A tinge of ‘putra haani dosham’ is likely to be inevitable. He would be roaming here and there aimlessly and abuse the money in unethical ways. Lose money and compromise on values of life and pass off his life without any regard from persons concerned. At that time, Vipareeta raja yogam would show its head to help him but it would be too late. Charitable acts may come to his rescue for his moksham. Ketu’s relevant position should come in handy for that.

Summing up

These are indicative results and can vary depending on other factors in a horoscope. I encourage you to read about the 1st Lord, 2nd Lord, 3rd Lord, 4th Lord, 5th Lord, 6th Lord, 7th Lord, 9th Lord, 10th Lord, 11th Lord, and 12th Lord as well.

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Sincere, practical astrological guidance from Sri KSR Aarudra Iyengar. Practicing astrologer with over 40 years of experience. A Vedic scholar with countless hours spent on ancient texts and literature on Astrology and Vedic Sciences. A Nrusimha Upasaka and draws his strength of intuition and interpretation from the Lord. Very closely attached with Sri Lakshmi Narsimha Swami Temple at Mattapalli, India.

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