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5th Lord in 12 houses of the horoscope

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5th lord in the horoscope, by and large, represents putra santhanam, benefits of poorva punya, cleanliness in thoughts and deeds, educational brilliance, sath sangh, yogabhyaasam, elevation in career, status in all respects, charitable disposition, and all the best of things associated with spiritual, dharmic values and magnanimous acts. Let’s discuss the effects of the 5th Lord in different houses of the horoscope.

5th Lord in Lagna

The 5th lord in lagna of the horoscope with shubha connotations would facilitate puthraprapthi  and putra vruddhi. These children would enjoy prabhutvam (support from powers that be) and reach dizzy heights in their careers, being respected in society. The native would involve in religious and philosophical pursuits and get the blessings of competent Acharyas and Gurus. The native would receive illustrious awards from Government agencies and respectable eminent societies. The native would be physically strong with clean habits that will invoke respect and many people would try to emulate.

5th lord in the 2nd house

With shubha connotatios, all the pointers indicated in the above paragraph will apply verbatim.

5th lord in the 3rd house

This native is likely to have putra santhana doshas. Would be interested in mastering Vedic and religious pursuits. Children of the native will extend their support.

5th lord in the 4th house

If he occupies this position strongly, putra vriddhi would be there. The native would protect the family in a dignified way, have landed properties, buildings, and have prabhutvam in appropriate measure. The native would command respect from all concerned.

5th lord in 5th house

More or less the same results are given as above with much more prosperity and with great responsibility towards maintenance of the family.

5th lord in the 6th house

There may be putra doshas and in certain cases, the native may not have children. Even if the native has children, they may be inimical to each other. Can’t expect any support from the children. The native may have a loss of memory, misunderstandings, and misgivings. With lots of cross currents and undercurrents on and off the native may have litigation issues and maybe a court bird.

5th lord in the 7th house

Sometimes putra santhana dosham may be there but through certain Vedic remedies, the situation can be brought under control. If the person is a male native, he may encounter difficulties from the spouse’s side ending in unpleasant events at a very high cost.

5th lord in the 8th house

There may be putra santhana dosham. With  great difficulty the house hold would be run. There may not be adequate income or may be reduced to penury. Might have to take small hand loans to make both ends meet.

5th lord in the 9th house

The native would get all the best of things in life in all respects and would be able to retain them prudently lest there is no malefic infliction. With shubha balam, the entire family would be extremely happy, with children, grandchildren, affluence, and abundance. Ancestral properties in large measure. They would respect elders, would be blessed with enormous wealth, happiness and fulfillment.

5th lord in the 10th house

There would be puthra santhana abhivrudhi, the native would occupy enviable positions in Govt departments, would be involved in Sathsanghs, and can have charitable pursuits. The native would have dharmic tendencies and are expected to be law-abiding citizens.

5th lord in the 11th house

The native would have excellent progeny, would have a peaceful, happy and luxurious life. The native would have excellent prabhutvam. In service they would reach the top most positions.

5th lord in the 12th house

The native’s wife may not be healthy and likely to have 2/3 abortions losing a lot of blood. Puthra santhana dosham also would bother them. Indications of disharmony among relatives, parents, co-born. The financial problems would sap their energy. The native may have to lead a life of turmoil and confusion.

Summing up

These are indicative results and can vary depending on other factors in a horoscope. I encourage you to read about the 1st Lord, 2nd Lord, 3rd Lord, 4th Lord, 6th Lord, 7th Lord, 8th Lord, 9th Lord, 10th Lord, 11th Lord, and 12th Lord as well.

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Sincere, practical astrological guidance from Sri KSR Aarudra Iyengar. Practicing astrologer with over 40 years of experience. A Vedic scholar with countless hours spent on ancient texts and literature on Astrology and Vedic Sciences. A Nrusimha Upasaka and draws his strength of intuition and interpretation from the Lord. Very closely attached with Sri Lakshmi Narsimha Swami Temple at Mattapalli, India.

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