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10th Lord in different houses of the horoscope

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10th lord from  Janma lagna is called Jeevana sthanam in a horoscope. He is also called RAJYATHIPATHI AND JEEVANASTHATHIPATHI.

If that planet is strong, he would give prasiddha yogas, luxurious life, participation in the government in a big way with huge properties, costly attire, jewellery, luxurious cars, a battery of servants at beck and call. Would be held in high esteem by society. Would have overseas connections and frequent overseas travel. Would be in a covetable position. He would share his wealth substantially with society.

If malefic aspects or association, the results are likely to be more or less reverse with full of evil thoughts, intrigues and conspiracies, jealousy, ill-will, malice, breach of trust, doing economic offences,  manipulation, forgery, not keeping up the words and not honouring commitments and so on. The native would be a good plotter, schemer and can crumble Governments. To be blunt he is likely to be scum for society.

10th lord in the Lagna

If the 10th lord is in the first house of the horoscope ie., Lagna he would have all the best of things in life, be affluent with good education, spiritual pursuits, very elevated post in the Government, with respectable income and graceful personality, surrounded by good people, eminent individuals, positive people etc., If malefic influences predominate, the native would go to any extent to wreak vengeance and be vengeful all the time.

10th lord in the 2nd house

The 10th lord in the second house of the horoscope indicates the native to be a tejaswi or tejaswini. If the native is a male, he would be handsome and if a female, very charming and beautiful. The native would be cultured with finesse, communicative capabilities, logical with influence, would be surrounded by popular friends, luxurious movable and immovable assets in plenty. if malefic influences predominate, the results indicated above would be average.

10th lord in the 3rd house

Even if the natives have siblings, they may not be supportive. Sibling rivalry or Sahodara dosham is indicated.  

10th lord in the 4th house

The native would be affluent and abundant in all respects. Luxurius houses, vehicles, host of servants with support from the mother’s side and maternal uncle’s side. If in the 4th house the 11th lord Laabadhipathi and the 10th lord are associated, the native is likely to get a bonanza and also likely to get a gold mine while digging. If malefic influences predominate, there would be a dip in the fortunes.

10th lord in the 5th house

The native would be blessed with good children, with good influence in society, would have all the positive attributes in life significant enough to lead a respectable life with high reputation. Spiritually oriented, a bhaktimaan, willing to serve the society with high-quality yogas.

10th lord in the 6th house

The native is likely to be a crook, intriguing conspiring, would have the urge to steal some body’s money like pickpocketing, land grabs, forgery in documents, tryig to grab others lands that do not fully belong to him/her. The native would be bereft of sound health, tejas, and have minimal status.

10th lord in the 7th house

There would be kalatra dosham. There may not be compatibility with the spouse. The wife would be uncontrollable. The native may not relish marital life by and large. The couple would like to adopt children and those children would give happiness to them. There may be 2 or 3 kalatras.

10th lord in the 8th house

The native would have a long life. May suffer from putradosham or putra shokam. There may not be harmonious romantic life between the two. Here again, they may resort to adoption for cheer in life.

10th lord in the 9th house

The native’s father’s wealth would dwindle. Putra bhagyam may not be there. Might have to go through a difficult livelihood daily. The native would be involved in spiritual pursuits. The native would command respect from Govt establishments, would have the association of VIPs, would not know how to exploit that, would be engaged in dharmic pursuits. The latter half of his life would yield benefic results depending upon the dasa bhukti anthara situations prevailing at that time.

10th lord in the 10th house

If the 10th  lord is in 10th, in his own house,  the native would be a very upbeat and knowledgeable person in worldly affairs. He would have the support of respectable persons and relatives. There may not be a big Jeevana balam commensurate with his /her educational acquisitions. Would be involved in spiritual, charitable, and dharmic pursuits with truth as the foundational factor.

10th lord in the 11th house

Whatever the native does may be extraordinarily beneficial. The siblings may not fair well and some of them would have unexpected mysterious ends. The native would employ people of excellence for him. The employer-employee relationship would be enviable. The native would have the finesse to move with them and mix with them to realize the legitimate aspirations. He would be a team man.

10th lord in the 12th house

The native would incur avoidable and wasteful expenditures as a result of which calculations would get upset leading to losses and ignominy. Support from family members would be wanting. There may be problems with children. There may be devastations as far as wealth is concerned. Likely to get diluted and become disputable.

Summing up

These are indicative results and can vary depending on other factors in a horoscope. I encourage you to read about the 1st Lord, 2nd Lord, 3rd Lord, 4th Lord, 5th Lord, 6th Lord, 7th Lord, 8th Lord, 9th Lord, 11th Lord, and 12th Lord as well.

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Sincere, practical astrological guidance from Sri KSR Aarudra Iyengar. Practicing astrologer with over 40 years of experience. A Vedic scholar with countless hours spent on ancient texts and literature on Astrology and Vedic Sciences. A Nrusimha Upasaka and draws his strength of intuition and interpretation from the Lord. Very closely attached with Sri Lakshmi Narsimha Swami Temple at Mattapalli, India.

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